I’m your biggest believer.
How so? Well, I was exactly where you are now. I binge ate, on & off dieted and it nearly seemed impossible for me to break that cycle.
But here I am today: I eat without regret and with confidence. I feel free and I'm truly happy.
Maybe you know me from TikTok or my other socials, if not: I decided to share my story online to be the help for people, I wished I had back then.
…and I want you to get to know me better 😊
The Backstory
2012 - 2016
Everything you see in my POVs is exactly what I experienced, especially in the first four years of struggling with food & my body.
After gaining a few kilos in my first year of university, I decided to go on my very first diet in 2012. I managed to lose weight in a healthy way.
At the time, I was modeling semi-professionally, and I hoped if I lost just a few more pounds, I could do it professionally. That was the beginning of a years-long war with food and my body.
I tried fad diets and detox plans and worked out mostly to burn calories. On Instagram, I followed "thin-spo" accounts and cooked vegan or low-carb meals, not for health - only in hopes of losing weight.
For three and a half years, I cycled between binge eating and restriction. I was bulimic.
However, I was at a normal weight and didn't talk to anyone about my struggles. Not even to my boyfriend at the time.
So on the outside, I seemed all fine. But on the inside, I felt like food was controlling my life…
2017 - 2020
A Change…
In summer 2016 something changed. I gave up the plan to go back to modeling. A lot of pressure fell off me as I no longer had the feeling that I had to reach a certain weight by x date.
The extreme stopped, I overcame bulimia - but something remained: the guilt when eating…
The disconnection from my body that made me dependent on diet rules, the regret after eating something "bad" and the constant thoughts and doubts about food and its calories.
Although the extreme bingeing was gone, I was far from eating normally. So I continued to ride the diet roller coaster for many more years...
The Change.
Until February 2021. Something happened that prompted me to share my story with you today. A big change.
Ever since I started modeling in 2012, I ran after a “goal weight”. In early 2021 I wanted to finally reach that number again and was trying to lose the last few kilos…
But I was so caught between trying to lose it in an extreme way and one last binge that I gained 12 kilos instead - in less than 6 weeks.
What left me so shocked wasn’t the weight I had gained. I knew I would lose that. It was much more the fact that I put on more than 10kg in such short amount of time by being unable to stop eating.
How on earth did that happened? I thought. I finally woke up and realised, something had to change.
I didn't want to feel guilty about eating anymore, and I didn't want to spend one more day dieting. I just wanted to eat normally again, and enjoy food carefree with joy.
So I ditched diets, read, researched and dug extremely deep until I found answers. I finally broke the cycle after almost a decade.
And here I am today: recovered and strong to share all my findings with you so that you too can finally leave similar struggles behind.
And the best, reading all of your feedback. Honestly many of your messages brought tears of joy to my eyes. It makes me beyond happy to see, that what worked for me works for so many of you too 🥲
Sometimes life just happens and you know which way to go.
In 2013, when I sat on my couch, crying clueless about how to stop binge eating, I’d have never guessed that one day I’d be so open about all of this and able to provide help to others that are going through the exact same ❤︎