Food Freedom Forever

Stop feeling crazy around food—feel in control and start eating what you want in moderation.

“I thought tried everything, but only since starting FFF, I wake up every day shocked how simple eating can be”

Once you start with sugar, you can’t stop? Here’s how to finally feel in control

With Food Freedom Forever, you get effective practical tools that no longer require control to feel normal around food. You will…

  • ☑️ Have sweets in the house without feeling tempted to eat them, feeling unbothered.

  • ☑️ Wake up and feel good in your body, not stressed about last nights food.

    ☑️ Being able to enjoy all foods without anxiety or doubts.

Have just a few of those cookies and not the whole box! Here is how…

…for that you have to get back in touch with your body.

👉🏽 Because the true reason you lose control when you eat sugar isn’t a lack of willpower. The real problem is that ignoring your hunger and appetite has disconnected you from your inner fullness signals, which are responsible for stopping eating on your own—just like you did when you were a baby (no app or tracker needed back then).

The ‘always-hungry feeling’ will stop for good

Because the fact that you could eat all the time, and think of nothing else than food isn’t solved by stricter diets, less processed food, or more discipline— your real problem lies elsewhere.

It’s not your big hunger, emotions, or food, that makes you overeat—it’s the inability to understand, let alone listen to your body without guilt, and the habit to keep eating even when you’re already full.

And THIS is exactly what we’re solving in a practical way inside FFF. No fluff—just effective and simple solutions that bring lasting change!

Understanding your body will make you eat in moderation (aka less without diets!)

…and I will show you how, in just 6 weeks.


Food Freedom Forever

The 6-week program that takes you out of the cycle of overeating and trying to eat good, and into eating whatever you like in moderation

Following a non-conventional but proven practical framework that has helped more than 700 women, so that you too can find peace with food forever.

For 9 years, I would weight cycle +/- 25 pounds (12 kg)

I reached my former goal weight hundreds of times! However, I was never able to maintain it because I had no idea how to eat in moderation. I needed control to not go all or nothing but failed every time because rules, portion control, and all that only made things worse…

My life was consumed by thoughts of calories, binges, and diets. The noise in my head wouldn’t stop until I understood that…

Wanting to feel comfortable in my body isn’t bad—but the unhealthy road I took was. No more extreme, I thought.

So, I decided to start this journey one last time. I decided to heal my relationship with food instead, and get off that rollercoaster for good.

The by-product? I could finally maintain a weight that is healthy for my body—freedom felt never better!

Full overview of all modules and lessons inside FFF↓


Six weeks is a recommended timeframe from my perspective as a food freedom coach. Remember, with lifetime access, you can take all the time you need, repeating or returning whenever you like.

  • Module 1: Finding your true ‘Why’

    → Your why goes beyond stopping overeating: it will be your guiding motivation throughout the 6-week journey and improve your body image.

    Module 2: Self Belief & Motivation

    → While motivation got you started, self-belief is what keeps you going. That's exactly what we'll train to make you consistent.

    Module 3: Food Freedom

    → Let's understand what it really means and why we strive for it.

    Module 4: Mindset Shifts

    → Diet culture has complicated everything, but in Module 4, we'll simplify your view on food and eating, so you can just eat again.

  • Module 5

    5.0. Intuitive Eating

    5.1. Recovery Success Combination

    → This is what makes FFF so different from all other recovery approaches. Here, you'll understand how we combine body reconnection and stopping habitual eating to heal forever.

    Module 6

    6.1. Habits & the Urge to Overeat

    6.2. Your Brain

    6.3. Breaking Habits

    Module 7

    7.1. Binge Eating & Bulimia

    7.2. Emotional Eating

    7.3. Compulsive Eating

  • Module 8

    8.0. The power of RSC

    → My Recovery Success Combination in practice

    8.1. How do I know when to eat?

    → Feeling, understanding and honoring your inner hunger

    8.2. How to distinguish between hunger & appetite

    → The different kinds of hunger to beat food guilt.

    8.3. Why am I not satisfied?

    → Find the errors and learn how to build a meal, that actually satisfies you

    8.4. How do I feel that I’m full?

    → Feeling, understanding and honoring your inner fullness

    8.5. How do I stop eating when full?

    → Learn how to stop eating easily when you're full

  • Module 9

    9.1. I’m allowing myself all food, but I still overeat?

    → we unpack and practice all kinds of restriction and errors

    9.2. An urge to binge or hunger/appetite?

    → Know the difference between the two, so you can honor your hunger but also overcome habitual eating

    9.3. How can I stop feeling guilty for eating ‘too much’?

    → Practice the final step to stop food guilt.

    9.4. What if the binge urges feel very strong?

    → Have a bulletproof action plan ready for moments of compelling urges that make you feel powerless.

    9.5. What to do after a binge?

    → This will happen in the beginning as you practice (totally normal), but we change your response in Module 9.5 to strengthen your journey, not set it back

  • Module 10

    10.1. Eating intuitively on set work breaks

    → Learn how to listen to your inner signals, even during set breaks when you can't eat whenever you want.

    10.2. How to eat in moderation when eating out or on vacation.

    10.3. How to ditch returning negative food and weight thoughts.

    10.4. How to stay motivated when things get tough.

  • Module 11

    11.1. The GTG Approach

    → You've learned a lot, so let's ensure you keep progressing and stay safe (literally!) throughout your entire healing journey with my 'Guilt-to-Goals' approach.

    11.2. The Five Relapse-Proof Tools

    → Healed? Let's keep it that way. Learn my five powerful relapse-proof tools to do just that - forever!

    11.3. Recovery Beliefs

    → This practical module serves as a reminder of recovery's potential; during tough times, revisit and adapt the beliefs, including those from past clients.

Here's what you'll get access to instantly↓


💻 25 Video Lessons: Structured to make it convenient & all content easy to understand. So you won't feel overwhelmed and experience instant results.

🆘 Downloadable Action Plans: To have step-by-step instructions at hand when it gets challenging. Save them to your phone, so help is just a swipe away.

📚 Educational eBook: A detailed addition to the videos, filled with all the scientific facts.

✍🏽 Workbooks: Filled with prompts, recaps, trainings and space to take notes. Print or fill out digitally (PDF).

Invest once for a life of confidence and food freedom




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  • most savings

  • lifetime access

“15+ years of food and body struggles… gone for good!”

Hi! I’m Samira - and I remember the Monday I tried to ditch strict diets, but failed…

- Samira, Food Freedom Coach

I can eat some sweets, I thought. The extreme doesn't work. So I allowed a chocolate muffin and felt proud.

Later, I passed a donut shop and was torn: “You've already had your treat for today, should I get more?”, I was wondering.

I declined, but still couldn't get rid of the hazelnut cream donut on my mind all day… Until I threw in the towel and decided to be STRICT again starting Tuesday, because this "I allow myself sweets" balance-thing just wasn't working for me…

And once again, I found myself bingeing one last time (spoiler: it wasn’t the last time).

That was in 2020, just a few months before I actually recovered from a 9-year binge-diet cycle.

I like to call myself a former ‘olympic’ yo-yo dieter' (been on every diet imaginable!).

But in spring 2021 I figured how to actually binge a last time and recovered fully within about two months. And today I’m a food freedom coach & food positivity advocate helping others break the cycle, just as I did.

The biggest thing I’ve learned along the way?

Everybody is capable of finding balance so you feel happy and confident in your body and are free to enjoy food and everything that comes with it. Yup, even you.

After re-discovering my hunger and fullness, building trust to eat intuitively and ditching the all-or-nothing mentality, my relationship with food did a 180. I was free of shame, guilt and DIETS!

I know this is possible for you too, because I’ve used my methods on hundreds of women.

I helped them go from feeling crazy around food, to making eating as normal as taking a shower. Something you have to do, enjoy doing but don’t overthink.

Inside FFF I am sharing all of those methods. I can’t wait to start working with you 🤍

P.S. I’m Samira, and after 9 years of binge eating I decided to ditch diets for good. I did, and helped hundreds of women do the exact same 🙋🏽‍♀️

- Samira, Food Freedom Coach

Doubts? Let me address them.

  • I hear you, and I'm not saying my course is the be-all and end-all, but I've seen it change so many lives that I'm confident it can do the same for you.

    Here's why ↓

    Many intuitive eating approaches aren't affective and thus make one fail, because their only focus is on emotions and mindset.

    Which is an extremely significant part. However, it is only one part.

    The FFF approach combines emotions, mindset, and potential challenges (like weight loss thoughts) and science.

    The last bit is what makes FFF so different from all those other programs and it's why my reviews speak for themselves - scroll up and read them again.

    Furthermore, I don't share the usual tools (hunger scale and the like). How come?

    Because these did not actually work for me, so I came up with my own strategies that take into account the challenges someone with an overeating-diet mindset may face throughout their journey.

    Having lived in your shoes for 9 years makes Food Freedom Forever so effective and understanding.

    I unpack things in detail because I was looking for real answers—no generic fluff, only value.

  • FFF isn't a sit-at-the-table study course. I created it to be super practical for anyone, whether you're a busy mom, a student with exams, or just busy. 

    The video lessons are 7-20 minutes long and easy to digest. You can listen to them like a podcast in the morning as you get ready, on your way to work, and then practice at work.

    Because FFF is heavily practical, it helps you put all you discover into action and change your eating behaviors in your day-to-day life.

    You'll have lifetime access, so you can join today, but start at your convenient time.

  • I hear you. I tried to figure it out on my own, and it took me several months of trial and error. While I eventually got there, it was a long process!

    FFF offers you the benefit of all that learning— months of my gathered insights and three years of 1:1 client work knowledge—packed into one comprehensive course.

    In FFF, you'll have a structured framework, my guidance and access to a supportive community right from the start. This can save you from months of uncertainty and missteps.

    Joining now could help you enjoy a smoother path forward, avoiding unnecessary delays and possibly needing help down the road.

  • I understand your concern about the cost. However, think about how much money you might save in the long run by addressing these issues now.

    For example, think about the expenses on food you don't truly need or want (how much did you spend on delivery this month?).

    Continuing this cycle of overeating and restriction not only wastes money but also time that can never be regained.

    Investing in FFF today can break this cycle permanently. Instead of spending on temporary solutions like new clothes (because you feel horrible in what's in your closet and need a new outfit) or an overpriced massage, juice detox, etc., to feel better momentarily, consider investing in long-term healing that ensures you never feel uncomfortable or in need of such quick fixes again.

    With a convenient three-month payment plan available, you can start your journey towards food freedom without financial stress.

  • Many members have joined FFF while also working with a therapist, finding it to be the best practical addition.

    If you're in another program, scroll back up to the curriculum and check if there's anything in my course that isn't covered in your current one.

    If yes, join FFF and start at your convenient time — lifetime access and self-paced makes it possible :)

    Remember, that FFF enrollment closes forever on Sunday at 11:59 pm CET.

In the recent past, how much money have you spent on food you didn't want to/need to eat?


Quite a waste, right?

The screenshot shows my food delivery expenses from Jan 2020 - almost $500 in one month on unnecessary binge food (my fridge was full too).

So I challenge you: think about how much money you will waste in the months or even years to come if you continue cycling between restriction and overeating...

Act today and break the cycle for good.

Stop wasting, not just money, but more importantly time, you’ll never get back.