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Welcome β€”-β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”

…to the place that shows you the way to balanced eating without diet rules. Here's a quick overview of how I can help you get there 🌱🀍πŸ₯‘ ‡

↓ Featured Blog Post ↓

How to Easily Say No to Pizza, Cake & Co. πŸ’­


Food Freedom Forever


πŸ‘€ If you eat and rarely feel full and truly satisfied, and thus end up overeating on junk food, it’s time to ask:

How can I eat the things I really want in moderation AND feel good in my body?

↓ E X P L O R E M O R E ↓

How to easily say no to pizza & co. πŸ’­

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Inspiration on The Blog πŸ“ƒ


Samira Port

Food Positivity Coach & Writer

Food is anything but easy for you? So it was for me, until I figured out how to eat intuitively and broke a 9 year binge-diet cycle.

Two years later I've helped hundreds of women re-connect with their bodies, able to enjoy delicious food, without the fear of weight gain.

Today we’re free to eat whatever, whenever we want - I can’t wait for you to be one of us 🀍

P.S. I’m Samira, and after 9 years of binge eating I decided to ditch diets for good. I did, and helped hundreds of women do the exact same πŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

"...a sucker for 'healthy', just balanced without the restrictive fuss!"

- Samira Port #ThatBalancedGirl