3 Tips To Trust Your Food Choices (why You Need Self-Trust in Food)
All the tips and advice I share is to help you build your confidence when you’re eating, which you need in order to feel free of guilt, regret and doubts about the food you choose.
I was never aware of self-confidence in relation to food until I started breaking my old diet mentality and eating habits.
I've always been a very confident person, but when it came to choosing what to eat for lunch, I lacked confidence. So I relied on strangers to tell me what, when, and how much to eat.
I Had To Learn To Trust Myself.
However, in order to eat without guilt and according to my own personal tastes, I had to learn to trust myself. I had to become independent. And it worked. I get inspired by delicious food pictures in my Instagram feed, but ultimately I choose what I want because I'm confident about it.
“Light and Healthy” aka The Good Meals?
Before I share with you a few tricks that helped me achieve this mindset, I want to give you an example of a food labelling that can confuse people and why it is so important to trust yourself.
This was a breakfast menu I had to choose from. "Light and healthy," while certainly with good intentions to help customers, it still puts food in categories - aka "good" & "bad".
That's not a problem for me. I don't feel bad about not choosing something from the "light and healthy" section, but what about someone who has chosen to eat healthier and maybe doesn't know what to eat in general?
Blaming the restaurant and asking them to change their menu is not a solution.
But you can work on building your confidence so you can choose what you're in the mood for without guilt.
And this is how I reached that point:
I have learned about my own tastes:
I explored my tastes by trying different foods and experimenting with new recipes.
I understood that everyone has a different taste:
The menu suggests porridge as a light meal. For me personally, porridge is anything but light. In fact, it sometimes makes me tired.
Next an egg white omelet is offered. I know I'd be hungry 90 minutes later if I just ate an omelet with no egg yolks.
What may work for you doesn't have to work for me. Respecting that has helped me be confident with what works for me and be okay with that maybe not being the norm.
I choose whatever I feel like in the moment:
I didn't choose anything from the "light" section, but instead chose eggs benedict.
I usually eat eggs with greens and avocado on toast for breakfast. In my opinion, a very balanced meal that meets my nutritional needs and gives me energy.
This morning I was hungry for energy, but I also wanted something richer. So I had eggs benedict. Which I felt was right for me, I was satisfied and could get on with my day without worrying that I had chosen the wrong food.
The Goal is Not To Eat The “Right” Thing.
You know that everything becomes easier once you’re confident.
So the goal is not to eat the "right" thing, but to feel comfortable with what you like to eat.
I hope these tips will help you achieve that state so you can freely choose what you feel like eating and actually enjoy it without regret.
If you're struggling with wanting to eat healthier but don't really know where to start, don’t stop here and read my other blog posts.
Much love, Samira 🤍